15 Golden Pieces Of Advice People Got From Their Therapists This Year

15 Golden Pieces Of Advice People Got From Their Therapists This Year

One of the overwhelming benefits of seeing a mental health professional is being able to glean a new perspective on stressful situations and issues that are affecting your life. Whether you're in therapy to learn how to better cope with a mental health disorder or to just have a safe space to vent, a therapist can provide you with invaluable guidance and insight. “In fully accepting that I needed to speak to a therapist, I feel able to own up to my past mistakes, apply the coping skills learned to deal with my PTSD and anxiety, and reassure myself that I'm doing my best each and every single day,” Anna Samanamu, 26, a paraprofessional and social media coordinator at Our Lady of the Valley Parish, told HuffPost. Between the pandemic and political upheaval, 2020 has brought on an endless onslaught of emotions. At the end of this long and grueling year, most of us could use a few words of therapeutic wisdom. HuffPost spoke with several people about the best advice they learned from their therapists in 2020, and how these discussions changed their outlooks: Thoughts are not facts. Raianne Ochoa, 24, a psychiatric social worker, said her therapist