Artificial intelligence has helped scientists to create the ‘ultimate’ chickpea

  • Date: 23-Nov-2021
  • Source: World Economic Forum
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

Artificial intelligence has helped scientists to create the ‘ultimate’ chickpea

Researchers have created a model of the optimal variety of chickpea, which could increase crop yields by up to 12%.

They did this using the tool FastStack, which combines 'AI with genomic prediction technology to identify the combinations of genes most likely to improve crop performance'.

Since the global demand for protein-rich pulses is increasing, this offers opportunities for Australian farmers to supply local food industries and export markets.

While there are challenges associated with applying this model to the field, technologies such as 'speed breeding' can help.

Using artificial intelligence, researchers have developed a genetic model for the “ultimate” chickpea, with the potential to lift crop yields by up to 12%.

Researchers genetically mapped thousands of chickpea varieties, and then used this information to identify the most valuable gene combinations using artificial intelligence (AI).

Researchers wanted to to develop a “haplotype” genomic prediction crop breeding strategy, for enhanced performance for seed weight.

“Most crop species only have a few varieties sequenced, so it was a massive undertaking by the international team to analyze more than 3,000 cultivated and wild varieties,” says Ben Hayes, professor at the University of Queensland.

The study confirms chickpea’s origin in the Fertile Crescent and provides