As We Get Even Closer To Covid-19 Vaccines For Young Kids, We Cannot Forget The Rest Of The World

As We Get Even Closer To Covid-19 Vaccines For Young Kids, We Cannot Forget The Rest Of The World

Share to Linkedin Dr. Vanessa Kerry, cofounder and CEO of Seed Global Health, discusses the need to place equity and fairness at the heart of the global health agenda. Access to Covid-19 vaccines remains elusive for children as well as adults in many parts of the ... [+] world. This week parents across the United States were greeted with the news that Pfizer was submitting data to the FDA that its Covid-19 vaccine has been found to be safe and effective for children as young as five. As a parent myself, I imagine my sighs of mingled relief, exhaustion, and joy were mirrored in millions of households. Equally, as a medical doctor and public health professional, I am pleased to see the data showing how the vaccine generates an appreciable antibody response and proving it is safe. But that doesn't erase how exceedingly difficult the last two years have been. Parents have borne a unique burden—trying to balance the demands of work, a dramatic and difficult shift to remote school for kids, and protecting their families from Covid-19. And the joy that parents like me felt this week has yet to extend to too much of the world, where access