Continue taking precautions amid drop in daily COVID cases – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

Continue taking precautions amid drop in daily COVID cases – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

KUWAIT CITY, May 25: The Cabinet held its weekly session at Seif Palace on Monday under chairmanship of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al- Hamad Al-Sabah. Following the session, Foreign Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al- Sabah stated that he briefed the ministers about his participation in the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, during which participants discussed events in the occupied Palestinian territories. During the UNGA session, the foreign minister, head of the State of Kuwaiti delegation, affirmed full support for Arab, Islamic and international efforts to halt the Israeli aggression, revive the peace process and negotiations in line with international references in a manner that would enable the Palestinian people attain their full legitimate rights. For his part, Minister of Health Sheikh Dr. Bassel Al-Humoud Al- Sabah informed the ministers about latest developments related to the coronavirus at the local, regional and global levels, noting that the recovery rate was recorded at up to 95.3 percent along with drop of daily casualties.

In this vein, the Cabinet urged anew citizens and residents of the country to continue taking precautions, namely averting crowds, seek to