Corona conspiracies“¦or conspiracy of viruses

Corona conspiracies“¦or conspiracy of viruses

By Tareq Al-Duaij

Since the emergence of COVID-19, many conspiracy theories about its causes and reasons came and went. These theories had their audience around the world, and here are some of them:

1. A Chinese plot to destroy the American economy.

2. A Chinese plot to destroy the global economy.

3. An American plot to destroy the Chinese economy.

4. An American plot to force China to sign a trade agreement.

5. The 5G conspiracy to control and exterminate people.

6. Anthony Fauci making billions from a new vaccine.

7. Bill Gates making billions from a new vaccine.

8. Bill Gates chip implant conspiracy.

9. Bill Gates' plot to exterminate people.

10. A plot to destroy Islam and Muslims.

11. Developed countries eliminating the elderly and poor.

12. Racist American conspiracy to eradicate poor blacks and Latinos.

13. Biological weapons companies testing a new virus (weapon).

14. WHO conspiracy to spread terror and control people.

15. Pharma plot to alter the DNA in humans.

16. Elites conspiracy (them/they) to take away people's freedoms.

17. The corona hoax conspiracy (forging death certificates) to intimidate and control people.

I'm sure there are other conspiracies depending on the country, but maybe there is another type of conspiracy that of the viruses themselves. Viruses hold a meeting at the end of each