New technologies set to accelerate data-driven healthcare transformation in ME

New technologies set to accelerate data-driven healthcare transformation in ME

DUBAI — The healthcare sector is undergoing a critical, data-driven transformation. Arthur D. Little, the management consultancy firm with the longest-standing presence in the Middle East region, explores emerging technology trend including issues around increased data-gathering in their latest report entitled Data-driven healthcare: Analyzing the forces driving the transformation of healthcare. The viewpoint provides insights on data-driven healthcare drivers and details how important technologies will facilitate industry transformation over the next decade.The consultancy highlights that digital transformation in healthcare is the key to enhancing quality, boosting access, and driving efficiency. Moreover, it projects that clinical workflow will become more agile by virtue of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics, ultimately automating decision-making processes while many important technologies reach mainstream adoption.“As we look ahead to the coming years, the influence and impact of emerging technologies are already apparent. Because of the fundamental reform they deliver, a data-driven transformation is the first step in moving the industry forward,” said Vikas Kharbanda, partner and healthcare practice lead at Arthur D. Little Middle East.“Big data is