US, Britain rush supplies to virus-hit India as Italy opens up

US, Britain rush supplies to virus-hit India as Italy opens up

NEW DELHI “” The United States and Britain rushed ventilators and vaccine materials to virus-stricken India on Monday while Italy lifted many COVID-19 restrictions in a bid to kickstart a near normal summer.

India is battling a catastrophic, record-breaking outbreak that has overwhelmed hospitals and set crematoriums working at full capacity.

A day-after-day surge has seen patients' families take to social media to beg for oxygen supplies and available hospital beds, forcing the capital New Delhi to extend a week-long lockdown.

But in Europe, it was a story of hope as bars, restaurants, cinemas and concert halls were reopening across Italy on Monday.

And in a boost for businesses, the parliament in Rome was to debate the government's 220-billion-euro ($266-billion) EU-funded recovery plan.

Prime Minister Mario Draghi has admitted to taking a "calculated risk" with the reopenings, with virus statistics improving but COVID-19 deaths still mounting by hundreds every day.

"Finally!" said Daniele Vespa, the 26-year-old head waiter at Baccano, a restaurant near Rome's Trevi Fountain, as he readied for the return of customers.

"Hopefully... we can soon reopen inside as well," he told AFP, adding: "It's the start of a return to normality."

France is also hoping for further improvement with millions of children returning to primary