Want A Satisfied Workforce? Start By Creating Healthier Buildings

Want A Satisfied Workforce? Start By Creating Healthier Buildings

Two-thirds of surveyed workers don't feel safe in their workplace. Here's what it will take to make them comfortable again.

An overwhelming majority of workers “” 68% of the global workforce “” do not feel completely safe working in their employer's buildings.

That's according to a recent survey conducted by Wakefield Research for Honeywell Building Technologies of 2,000 people in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and the Middle East.

The number of workers who do not feel safe in employer's buildings is even higher among surveyed employees who are still working remotely, 75% said they're skeptical about workplace safety.

Why is that important? Well, nearly a quarter of those current remote workers (23%) said they'd rather quit their job than return to a facility that did not implement necessary safety measures.

The data are a warning to businesses large and small: Success in a post-pandemic world will require accommodating workers' choices including reassurances about healthier buildings. The long-term consequence for employers could be decreased retention as workers choose roles that allow them to work remotely indefinitely. Without ample, engaged talent, companies may lose their competitive edge, not to mention the revenue and market share it affords them.

It seems obvious. Invariably, however, some companies will