Russia reports 27,250 new coronavirus cases

Russia reports 27,250 new coronavirus cases

EU starts to ease bans over UK virus strain; WHO to meet

WHO's Europe director: We will "discuss strategies for testing, reducing transmission & communicating risks“

The discovery of the new coronavirus type set off alarm bells worldwide just as vaccines are being rolled out

Updated 9 min 50 sec ago


December 23, 2020 13:31

LONDON: Europe on Wednesday began easing travel bans on Britain put in place to contain a new strain of Covid-19 that UK officials believe is spreading faster as WHO experts were set to meet on a response to the variant.

The discovery of the new coronavirus type set off alarm bells worldwide just as vaccines are being rolled out to halt a pandemic that has claimed more than 1.7 million lives since it began a year ago in China.

But the European Commission has urged EU nations to reopen their borders to Britain and replace the blockades with mandatory tests for arrivals.

France's relaxation of a 48-blockade meant stranded lorry drivers in the UK were finally offered a way home after thousands were blocked around the port of Dover for days.

Under France's new rules, EU nationals and residents are allowed home with a negative Covid test, though Britons remain