How to look after your mental health when staying indoors – The National

How to look after your mental health when staying indoors – The National

How to look after your mental health when staying indoors. Setting up regular social interactions to a time and date will hold you accountable, and stop you falling into the bingeing-in-bed trap. There are many tips on how to stay productive, at work and otherwise, but while spending our time confined within the same four walls may protect our physical health, it can lead to a strain on our mental well-being.. The restrictions will result in complete isolation or leave many of us interacting with the same few people all day.. Loneliness can have a tremendous influence on mental health - it increases the likelihood of negative outcomes in both our physical and mental health.". As much as a third of our day is dedicated to working - meaning our approach to setting up office at home (without being able to break up the day with a trip to a coffee shop) is extremely important for both our effectiveness and psychological health.. When you don't have a place to go to do your work, you need to rely on your routine to balance your day.". Without bouncing off our colleagues for ideas, feedback and comfort, we run the risk of