Fresh Take: What The West’s Drought Means For Food, Why The Food Industry Needs Economic Justice, And Have We Reached Peak Vegan Chicken Nugget?

Fresh Take: What The West’s Drought Means For Food, Why The Food Industry Needs Economic Justice, And Have We Reached Peak Vegan Chicken Nugget?

I started Fresh Take to keep sustainability at the forefront of the conversation every week, not just when the newsletter falls on Earth Day. That said, I've put together a particularly climate-focused edition for you today. A lot of climate reporting can be tough to digest. Instead of overwhelming you with data points and United Nations statistics, I focused on stories that I hope will bring you energy and inspiration. It will take everybody activated together to counterbalance what awaits us. Little acts can go a long way. I hope you'll join me in spending some time in nature this weekend, whatever that means for you. I plan to get my Lower Manhattan terrace garden into proper springtime shape while tending to my composting worms. This is Forbes' Fresh Take newsletter, which every Friday brings you the latest on the big ideas changing the future of food. Want to get it in your inbox every week? Sign up here. Dry Weather Forecast Calls For Higher Food Prices And Billions In Farm Losses. Nearly all of the American West is persisting through a prolonged megadrought that is providing a peek into a harsh future set to get worse as the planet