LIVE: Middle East region reports more coronavirus cases as global numbers soar

LIVE: Middle East region reports more coronavirus cases as global numbers soar

Middle East region reports more coronavirus cases as global numbers soar. Middle East region reports more coronavirus cases as global numbers soar /node/1648711/middle-east. 10:59 - 48 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in Iraq with two new deaths.. 10:50 - The Lebanese health ministry has reported 21 new cases of the virus, bringing toll to 412.. 09:29 - The Philippine health ministry has reported 14 new coronavirus deaths and 272 new cases.. 09:14 - Malaysia has reported 159 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 2,320.. 09:11 - Kuwait health ministry has reported 10 new coronavirus cases, bringing total to 235.. 08:50 - The health ministry of Iraq's Kurdistan has reported seven new coronavirus cases, bringing total to 122.. 08:16 - Bahrain has confirmed 19 new coronavirus recoveries, bringing the total number of recovered cases to 254.. 08:14 - The Palestinian government has reported six new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 97.. 04:22 - Thailand has reported 109 new cases of COVID-19, bringing total number of infections to 1,245.. 21:00 - Egypt has reported 41 new coronavirus cases and six deaths, bringing the total number of infected patients to 536 and deaths to 30, UAE state news