Nothing’s Certain as Shell-Shocked Markets Hope for Salvation

Nothing’s Certain as Shell-Shocked Markets Hope for Salvation

Stimulus efforts fail to prevent stock sell-off in Middle East. While governments and central banks around the world announce unprecedented economic-stimulus measures -- indicating a growing willingness to coordinate their actions -- economists say virus-triggered closures and national lockdowns are making a global recession all but unavoidable.. "High volatility will possibly continue to dominate the market, but it won't be as extreme as we experienced last week," said Roberto D'Ambrosio, the Malta-based chief executive officer of Axiory Global, a commodity and currency broker. ". "COVID-19 will have a dramatic impact on the global economy and has raised the risk of a U.S. and global recession.. "The catalyst, we think, will be market weakness helping to elicit a more aggressive policy response". "Strategically, we've closed our cautious position in U.S. equities, and are gradually closing a cautious position in U.S. credit.". "The GCC, in our opinion, has taken the right stance for very strict containment and they are taking commensurate actions from the central banks to go hand in hand with the legacy policies, such as relaxing loans.".