Biden Begins Climate War With Attack On Energy Industry That Will Ignite Inflation

Biden Begins Climate War With Attack On Energy Industry That Will Ignite Inflation

In what will be remembered as the 'shot heard round the world' fired by the Biden Administration, the first salvo of Executive Orders foretells pain for consumers and the economy in the form of higher energy costs.

Donald Trump's legacy of the United States as an energy independent superpower benefiting from the lowest energy prices in decades is on life support, and the new Administration in Washington is pulling the plug.

With the exception of the Trade War with China, Trump was a peacetime President, with laissez faire policies that resulted in both low energy prices for consumers and a record expansion and penetration rate of the green energy sector across the entire U.S. economy. Electric cars, solar and wind power, and cleaner use of fossil fuels through a myriad of new technologies - all were beneficiaries of Trump's hands-off, free market policies.

But when it comes to the issue of Climate Change, Biden has made it clear that he is a wartime President with interventionist policies, and there will necessarily be casualties and collateral damage as battles are fought. Using the fight against climate change as the moral basis for limiting oil and gas exploration, Team Biden seems willing to sacrifice consumers,