Grading My 2020 Energy Predictions

Grading My 2020 Energy Predictions

MOSCOW, RUSSIA - APRIL 16 : Russia's rubles are seen in front of President Vladimir Putin as he ... [+] holds a meeting via video link. The Russian economy has been rocked by the coronavirus outbreak and the breakdown of the OPEC+ oil production pact between Russia and Saudi Arabia. The turmoil has shocked traders around the world and resulted in sharp volatility on the Russian stock markets and swings in the value of the ruble. (Photo by Sefa Karacan/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

At the beginning of each year, I make several predictions about the energy sector. You can see those predictions and read the context at Energy Sector Predictions For 2020.

There is still a little over a week left in 2020, but I believe there is enough available information to gauge the accuracy of these predictions.

As always, I provided predictions that are specific and measurable. Following each prediction, I discuss what actually happened in 2020, and conclude whether the prediction was right or wrong.

1. For the first time since 2014, the closing price of WTI will not drop below $50/bbl

This was undoubtedly the fastest