Replacing High Paying Oil Jobs With Clean Energy Jobs Is Not So Easy

Replacing High Paying Oil Jobs With Clean Energy Jobs Is Not So Easy

Replacing High Paying Oil Jobs With Clean Energy Jobs Is Not So Easy by Neil Edwards Displaced fossil fuel workers across the U. S. may soon have better clean energy job choices in solar and wind than their former high-paying oil and natural gas jobs. That is if the Biden administration delivers on their clean energy plans. According to Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Association, the U. S. oil and gas industry posted a net decline of 160, 323 jobs due to lower demand in 2020. These jobs pay $133, 601 on average, with 20% filled by women. The American Petroleum Institute reports that the oil and gas industry is still predominantly white, with only 12 percent of executive jobs filled by people of color. "So what President Biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives that they can be the people who go to work to make the solar panels “” that we're making them here at home," said John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, in the recent White House press conference on January 27th. To Kerry's point, American solar jobs have increased by 167% by adding 156,