A new world order and India

A new world order and India

By Harsh Vardhan Shringla

As the Covid-19 virus ebbs and wanes, post-pandemic realities are beginning to emerge. They underlie a growing set of understandings and arrangements that form the basis of an emerging world order. Empirically speaking, downturns are followed by recovery. The Indian economy is beginning to bounce back with economic output and activity surging.

A vaccination campaign of unprecedented scope and complexity has improved health security and reduced vulnerabilities in record time. The stage is set for a return to normality and more. This is, therefore, a moment of opportunity.

The choices that India makes at this juncture are an indication of where it sees promise of a better tomorrow. The pandemic has demonstrated that we need a more, and not less, interconnected world. Common problems must have common solutions.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, over the last few months, has in the G7, G20, in COP26, in the first Quad Summit, in the UN General Assembly and as Chair of the UN Security Council, Brics and the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation Council of Heads of Government, articulated a vision of a new world order that is relevant to the challenges of the post-pandemic world.

He has also, through a variety of