COP26 And WTO Ministerial Bring Tough Questions For Emerging Economies

COP26 And WTO Ministerial Bring Tough Questions For Emerging Economies

(Photo by Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images) Ministers from twenty-four developing nations – including China, India, Vietnam, and Pakistan –released a statement ahead of the United Nations Climate Change summit (COP26) denouncing new net-zero standards as discriminatory. The plan asks for all countries to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Climate negotiations have long been shaped by equity concerns; this makes sense. The recognition that different countries have different responsibilities for, and capabilities to, address climate change is at the heart of the U. N. negotiation process. More advanced countries not only have greater resources to devote towards the greening of their economies relative to emerging economies, they also benefitted from unlimited cheap fossil fuels throughout the 20th century to get where they are today. Many argue that is unfair for these advanced economies to "pull the ladder up behind them" now that they have reached a sufficient level of development. Not all countries can afford to make the same expensive energy transitions as their already developed neighbors. It's a tough question, and one that has plagued negotiations at COP since its inception in 1995. The answer was the "grand bargain" – a promise made by advanced economies in 2009 to contribute