Is Mining The Ocean Bottom For Metals Really Better Than Mining On Land?

Is Mining The Ocean Bottom For Metals Really Better Than Mining On Land?

It certainly looks like it. From almost any perspective, seabed mining of metals is better for the environment, social justice issues and economics. Two primary scenarios to obtain critical economic metals for electric vehicles and batteries - from ... [+] land or sea. The ore grade of seabed nodules are so high (99%) versus geologic ores on land (2-20%) that much less space and material is needed. A large continuous supply of special economic metals is essential for any high tech future. Building electric vehicles and wind turbines take a lot of resources, more than we can provide now, particularly special metals like Co, Li, Te and Nd, as well as just base metals like Fe, Cu, Pb and Zn and other materials like graphite. But their supply is generally an environmental and social nightmare. The waste from Li, graphite and high-purity-Si processing has destroyed whole villages in ecosystems in China, Indonesia and Bolivia, among others. America is still dealing with the acid mine drainage left from 120 years of mining. And like blood diamonds, half of the Co supplies come from inhumane child labor practices. The reason this is so important is that many of the people who support