The Energy Report: The Energy Weapon –

  • Date: 13-Nov-2021
  • Source:
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

The Energy Report: The Energy Weapon –

Maybe instead of saving the planet from climate change, we should spend more time worrying about saving the planet from World War III. Europe and the Biden administration seem to fail to understand the vital importance of energy security, not only to keep warm and keep your economy going but from a national security standpoint. When energy supplies become vulnerable, the entire country becomes vulnerable. It’s a lesson that should have been learned after the Arab oil embargo and World War II. Europe’s failure to heed the warning by the Trump administration to not get too dependent on Russia for vital energy supplies could now see their supplies cut off.

Europe’s over-reliance on wind and solar and shutting down oil and gas production fields and non-greenhouse gas emitting nuclear power plants, have put Europe in a dangerous and weakened state. They are now heavily dependent on Russia for and satellite states like Belarus that control pipelines look silly from a security standpoint. The U.S. is warning Europe that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine, while Putin lackey Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko says that due to a border crisis over what it sees as a manufactured migration crisis with Poland, “We