Worst is over’ as oil stages a comeback

Worst is over’ as oil stages a comeback

Prices surge as big banks, analysts say global glut of crude is being drained. Phil Flynn, senior analyst at Price Futures Group, said: "The market is starting to realize that demand destruction has been terrible, but we're reopening and demand is going to get better.. US President Donald Trump, who has attacked OPEC in the past for keeping oil prices high to the detriment of American consumers, tweeted: "Oil prices moving up nicely as demand begins again!". Revealed: How rogue Iran airline spread coronavirus through Middle East /node/1670161/middle-east. Mahan Air kept flying after ban on China travel. LONDON: An Iranian airline under US sanctions flew passengers infected with the coronavirus to Iraq and Lebanon and between Iran and China, fueling the spread of the virus across the Middle East.. The airline lied about these flights taking place, according to an investigation by the BBC.. Mahan Air claims that it was sending humanitarian aid to China and that none of the flights were passenger flights.. As the battle to curb the spread of the virus continued on Tuesday, Saudi Arabia reported 1,595 new cases, taking the total to 30,251, and the death toll rose by nine to 200..