OPEC+ Expected to Agree on Output Cut Extension, SVB Energy Says

OPEC+ Expected to Agree on Output Cut Extension, SVB Energy Says

00:00 LET'S BRING IN OUR GUEST.. RUSSIA'S BUDGET IS SET FOR CRUDE. >> WE ANTICIPATE YES, MOST. RUSSIAN EXPERT HAS NOT PUT --. TRADERS FEEL THE MARKET IS GOOD. >> WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR U.S.. >> AS WE'VE SEEN, U.S.. OVERALL, IT'S NOT GOING TO BE A. OPEC+ Expected to Agree on Output Cut Extension, SVB Energy Says. Sara Vakhshouri, founder and president of SVB Energy International, discusses the outlook for oil.. OPEC+ found itself stuck in a familiar place after a first day of talks, with Russia and Saudi Arabi split over whether it should deepen production cuts to offset the huge demand hit from the coronavirus epidemic.. Vakhshouri speaks with Shery Ahn and Haidi Stroud-Watts on "Bloomberg Markets.". Explaining the world with Bloomberg News. The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations" explores successful leadership through the personal and professional choices of the most influential people in business..