German delegation visits development projects – Roya News English

German delegation visits development projects – Roya News English

Tuesday, the Director for Middle East in the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Mr. Volker Oel, the Head of Development Cooperation at the German Embassy in Amman, Ms. Kordula Mehlhart, the Director of the Middle East Department of KfW Development Bank, Mr. Marc Engelhardt, and the Country Director of the German development agency GIZ, Ms. Elisabeth Girrbach, visited Talbieh camp for Palestine refugees in Jordan. The visit took place within a larger mission to the region which saw representatives of BMZ, KfW and GIZ visiting also Shuafat refugee camp in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The visit allowed them to obtain a first-hand account of the impact of German-funded infrastructure and camp improvement projects in Talbieh camp as well as of vital education and primary health services supported by Germany and provided by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The Director of UNRWA Affairs in Jordan, Ms. Marta Lorenzo, H.E Eng. Rafiq Kherfan, Director General of the department of Palestinian Affairs (DPA) and UNRWA staff accompanied the delegation.