The Premium Malt’s By Suntory Attracts Consumers With ‘3D-Printable’ Beer Foam

  • Date: 29-Apr-2022
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:Middle East
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The Premium Malt’s By Suntory Attracts Consumers With ‘3D-Printable’ Beer Foam

Many Japanese people would say it's the foam on top. It may sound strange to some non-Japanese people because more foam means less beer and thus less value. But the quality of the foam has been a strong competitive edge in the $23 billion Japanese beer market. The Premium Malt's by Suntory is a great example of Japan's obsession with the foam. The beer's foam is so fine and creamy yet stable that you can even print an image on it with a 3D printer using malt extract. Suntory calls the character of the foam Kamiawa, meaning "foam created by God". The divine proportion of beer to foam is 7 to 3 for the best taste and aesthetics, according to the company. The Premium Malt's was launched originally in 1989. The concept is "a beer that you want to meet over and over again like your loved one". It took a while for the brand to take off until it received the Grand Gold Medal from the reputable global awards Monde Selection in 2005. Since then, Suntory has been refining the concept to reflect the market demands and most recently the focus is on the sublime foam. In 2018, Suntory