Russia Walks Away From OPEC+ Talks Without a Deal

Russia Walks Away From OPEC+ Talks Without a Deal

Let's go to Vienna and join. deal to bring the market into check were down nearly 8 percent .. So the decision tree analysis if there's no deal. the decision tree analysis is as follows.. What are you prepared to do if Russia walks away from this.. are you prepared to really run the risk of an abyss.. . I wanna bring in Francis McDonnell into the conversation .. We have oil services stocks down almost 30 percent. The market based inflation expectations.. Manus Cranny and carry on the conversation about what's. start to move in the direction of the idea that OPEC plus is. Abdulaziz Solomon walk out and say to us.. understand Saudi Arabia and and their position in the region and. is how much production can Saudi Arabia really take themselves .. you take implosion of policy and you take a lack of cohesion .. You run the risk of losing confidence all the. Why is Russia willing to take that risk minus .. Russia Walks Away From OPEC+ Talks Without a Deal. OPEC+ talks ended in dramatic failure, auguring the end of a diplomatic alliance between Saudi Arabia and Russia that has underpinned crude prices and