COVID-19: The critical role of Digital Infrastructure; A view from the Middle East and Africa – AMEinfo

COVID-19: The critical role of Digital Infrastructure; A view from the Middle East and Africa – AMEinfo

Over just a couple of weeks, we have seen approximately 30% traffic growth in MEA networks - the same kind of growth that we would usually expect in a year. The Middle East and Africa is one of the most diversified telecoms markets in the world.. The market is a microcosm of the wider world; and at a time when half of the global population has been under confinement, the challenges faced by its telecoms networks are representative of those currently being faced across the globe.. It is not just the scale of the increase that is testing operators, but also the significant behavioral changes as whole populations move abruptly to a new digital way of working and living, leaving city centers deserted and placing unprecedented pressure on residential networks.. AMEinfo staff members report business news and views from across the Middle East and North Africa region, and analyse global events impacting the region today..