How To Avoid Climate Disaster The Bill Gates Way

How To Avoid Climate Disaster The Bill Gates Way

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation



and one of the world's richest men and philanthropists, has written a new book that hits the stores on February 16th. Unlike his two previous books, this one is not about software and the digital revolution. Mr. Gates' new book covers grounds far beyond the author's background in software engineering and his active philanthropic interests in global development, public health and US public education via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (founded in 2000).

According to the blurb, "In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical “” and accessible “” plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid a climate catastrophe“. In the introduction, Gates explains how he got involved with the climate change field via the problem of energy poverty that he came across in looking at issues of public health in developing countries. In field visits to parts of India and Sub-Saharan Africa, the initial impression of "why is it so dark, where are the lights“ naturally led to understanding that an essential part of poverty was the lack of reliable access to