Bitcoin Is Not Money“”Yet

Bitcoin Is Not Money“”Yet

Bitcoin is the new darling of investors. It has rocketed since March 2020 from $5,000 to over $40,000 before pulling back. Fans are predicting that it will resume its rise and head to $100,000 or higher. 

But that doesn't make Bitcoin an alternative to the dollar yet. 

People are rushing in because of a lack of faith in government currencies. The Federal Reserve and other central banks have crushed interest rates and are printing unimaginable amounts of money to pay for Covid relief measures and to stimulate damaged economies. 

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are now seen as a respectable investment class, and financial institutions are adding Bitcoin to their portfolios. Enthusiasts say Bitcoin is the new gold and that it will eventually replace the dollar. 

Not so fast! 

Whatever Bitcoin is, it's not money. 

We use money to buy products and services. The dollar, for instance, is like a claim check on a car, a coat or a ticket to an event“”only, in the dollar's case, it can be used to purchase or sell anything. 

Money works best when it has a stable value. While there are stories of vendors being willing to accept a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies will remain curiosities until their value is stable. 
