Blockchain-related job postings surge 118%: report

Blockchain-related job postings surge 118%: report

The cryptocurrency and blockchain labour market is still growing as various organizations continue to adopt the technology, the Crypto Parrot report said, noting that recruiters in the space are increasingly sourcing talent in software development. The report indicates that software development jobs at 30% account for the largest share of all crypto and blockchain job postings in 2021 as of July 16. The share represents a year-over-year drop of 14.56% from the 34.8% share during a similar period last year. Management comes a distant second with a share of 10% increasing 29.87% from 2020. Marketing job posting recorded a share of 7% growing 105% from last year. Information Design & Documentation ranks fourth, having dropped 1.56% YoY with a share of 6.3% as of July 16, 2021. Elsewhere, although human resource job posting recorded the least share at 3%, the sector had the most significant growth rate at 200%. The report highlights the possible drivers for the increased cryptocurrency and blockchain job postings. According to the research report: “From late last year, the value of Bitcoin and Ethereum surged to historical levels presenting investors with a chance for increased profits. For companies in the space, the rally pointed to a