How to make, buy and sell NFTs

How to make, buy and sell NFTs

You've probably heard a lot about nonfungible tokens (NFTs) recently. Mike Winkelmann, the artist who goes by Beeple, made headlines earlier this month when he sold an NFT for $69 million. But people are spending millions of dollars on all sorts of collector's items, from sports trading cards and highlight reels to digital houses, augmented reality sneakers and music.I'm going to show you how to buy and sell them.An NFT is a new type of digital asset. Ownership is recorded on a blockchain “” a digital ledger similar to the networks that underpin bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Each NFT is unique and can't be duplicated. So, you can think of them as unique digital items nobody else owns. Sure, people might have an image of a piece of art you purchased as an NFT, for example, but they don't own the original. That's what makes them enticing. And there's the prospect that because they can be rare, you might be able to sell one later for more money. Just like you would with fine art.You can use various currencies to buy NFTs. NBA Top Shot, for example, lets you buy them with a credit card. But other platforms require you