New report renews focus on need for organizations’ need to pursue green transformation strategies

New report renews focus on need for organizations’ need to pursue green transformation strategies

Arthur D. Little (ADL), a management consultancy firm with a presence in the Middle East region, has released a report, The Green Gambit, that assesses how the current crisis has transformed the green investment environment and stresses that now is time for organizations to pursue bold green transformation strategies previously considered too risky.The Green Gambit report urges companies to focus on two imperatives as they strive to take advantage of greater volumes of better-connected investment funding. Firstly, they should adopt new approaches to nurturing disruptive ventures that may be outside the normal core business. Secondly, they should work collaboratively to shift the entire business ecosystem, which is often needed to successfully deliver green initiatives. The report also explores the positive benefits that organizations can capitalize upon through innovative funding options like Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) which is an alternative way to raise capital and access public equity markets.According to the report's findings, industrial companies should be well-positioned to capture success in this direction and contribute to the ecosystem as it addresses mega challenges based on three building blocks - winning technology on which breakthrough solutions critically depend, scale and scale-up capabilities to create lasting value, and capital to sustain