Power cut as ‘strangers’ visiting building found to mine ‘Bitcoin’ – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

Power cut as ‘strangers’ visiting building found to mine ‘Bitcoin’ – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

KUWAIT CITY, April 18: The Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy has launched a campaign, which is the first of its kind in the history of the ministry, to track rental properties where “Bitcoin” is being mined locally and illegally, reports Al-Anba daily. The ministry started its campaign after reports were made to the inspectorate team via social media about the presence of a device that is being used in a building for exploiting electricity in violation of the law, according to eyewitnesses.

In a press statement, the Deputy Head of the inspectorate team at the Ministry of Electricity and Water Ahmed Al-Shammari, who went to the aforementioned building accompanied by the team officer Ali Al- Zainal, explained that there were violations related to electricity installations, which required placing a warning poster on the first visit, as no one was available in that building. Due to the way the electricity box was closed which raised suspicion, the inspectors went on to open it and found tampered wiring, which is a violation of the applicable laws.

Al-Shammari said the violators were not cooperative, and the team was forced to open the box only to find explicit violations and extensions that