What Is An NFT“”And Should You Buy One?

What Is An NFT“”And Should You Buy One?

Share to Linkedin Aherd of googly-eyed cartoon cats. A video of a high-flying Lebron drunk. A digital painting made up of 5, 000 smaller images soon to be sold at Christie's auction house. All of these have recently been turned into non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, a new method for digitally buying and selling art and other media. These cryptoassets represent the latest blockchain-based boom: Three years ago, the entire NFT market was worth no more than $42 million. By the end of 2020, it had grown 705% to $338 million in value, according to the latest estimate from Nonfungible. com, which the monitors the NFT marketplace. While estimates for the current market size are unavailable, surely it's grown even more. Just consider the face value of tokens sold in the first two months of the year: Through February, there've been close to 150, 000 sales of these tokens for some $310 million“”almost quintuple the amount sold in all of 2020. "This is the future“”the coin of the future realm," says the actor William Shatner, on a Zoom call from his San Fernando Valley home. Last July, the 89-year-old Shatner sold memorabilia from his life and career as virtual trading cards