Before And After: FinTech vs. Healthcare Covid-19 Crisis Series

Before And After: FinTech vs. Healthcare Covid-19 Crisis Series

The companies tended to focus on doing one thing well and were either founded just before the crisis and grew stronger through it, or came in the years immediately following the crisis, capitalizing on an opportunity to redefine the industry.. Innovation came to the FinTech industry during a time of trial and strife.. Through the past 10 weeks, the public has gotten to see how the meat is made in healthcare.. While the FinTech crisis was not widely understood by laymen, it was felt in the form of disappearing savings and job loss.. The architecture that has contributed to this healthcare crisis may be similarly misunderstood by those not in the industry it is felt in a tangible way by those tracking the disease, and by those suffering from it.. This series of articles will seek to compare the current Healthcare Crisis caused by Covid-19 with the Financial Crisis caused, in part, by the bursting of the US housing bubble.. It will review the innovation timeline that followed the crisis, and posit where we might expect to see innovation milestones in healthcare, with predictions on the types of startups we will see emerge as winners.. In my column