Generation Start-up: How one company is mining data to help fight Covid-19 – The National

Generation Start-up: How one company is mining data to help fight Covid-19 – The National

Generation Start-up: How one company is mining data to help fight Covid-19. The company, which has an office Abu Dhabi also works with Saudi Telecom-owned Intigral, real estate portal site Property Finder and other start-ups.. Narrativa works with Spain's main news agency EFE, with content provided by the company receiving a joint byline in articles.. Narrativa's work has become increasingly important in Spain as the company works to track data on the Covid-19 pandemic.. While most news organisations follow the widely-used Johns Hopkins University tracker, Mr Llorente observes that it may not be as comprehensive for specific regions.. "You see clearly the countries with better distancing system and then also the countries that use more of the data to analyse the situation are the ones who do better," says Mr Llorente.. "You cannot build doctors, you need to do it with intelligence and for that you need data," he says.. "How can we use that data to see how many people to confine and how many to let out to the streets - so this is the second track [of the hackathon]," says Mr Llorente.. We're in a very advanced stage of discussions, " says Mr Llorente.. The company will