The Internet Freedom Dividend: Why Policy Makers Will Learn to Love Blockchain

The Internet Freedom Dividend: Why Policy Makers Will Learn to Love Blockchain

Since Bitcoin was first spawned there have been lots of parties that have tried to kill it from various players in the financial services industry, to foreign governments, to members of the US Senate, to tech companies, to people who just wanted to protect people from what they worried was a scam - and they tried to stop it in a variety of ways.". As the use of blockchain grows the memory of the web will do a 180, and one of the undeniable realities is that forcing content to be censored off the Internet will just no longer be possible.". "It's important to understand the capability of the technology and where the regulation could be enforced.. The way tech companies store our credit card details, health data and social relationships is becoming a form of economic value in its own right; empowering new forms of surveillance, and new incentives for data-mining without informed consumer consent.. Rather than destroying government and finance, the blockchain could help renew and accelerate new forms of trade, digitalization and globalization..