Herd immunity in Asia will catalyse comeback of travel industry

  • Date: 10-Mar-2021
  • Source: Gulf Today
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:Middle East
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Herd immunity in Asia will catalyse comeback of travel industry

Nandan Nilekani, the co-founder of Infosys, said Asia's economic recovery is not far away, provided the pace of vaccination is increased so the region arrives at a herd immunity. Speaking during a virtual session at the World Government Summit Dialogues (WGS Dialogues), moderated by Samir Saran, President of the Observer Research Foundation, Nilekani explained how said Asian economies will recover quicker from the COVID-19 pandemic, than most other continents after their leading role in the healthcare industry's response to the virus, as it plays a leading role in building digital infrastructure. "The recovery will come from the consumers. I see a burst of consumption across the region, and that's very good news in terms of creating economic opportunities and boosting consumer confidence," he said. "Many of the industries that were laid low by the pandemic, like travel, tourism and hospitality will start seeing a quick recovery in the coming months. If we can distribute vaccines throughout Asia as quickly as possible, we will be able to achieve community immunity that precedes any new mutations in the virus. This step will enable everyone to return to normal life and revitalize travel and tourism." The InfoSys co-founder identified the globalization of services