Social distancing: Airfares from Middle East may go up by 50%

  • Date: 13-May-2020
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Middle East
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Social distancing: Airfares from Middle East may go up by 50%

Coronavirus: Airfares from Middle East may go up by 50% due to social distancing, says Iata. IATA predicts a 43% increase in North American airfares, 45% for North Asia, 54% for Asia-Pacific and 49% for Europe.. Average airfare in the Middle East region will jump by 43 to 50 per cent when airlines resume normal flights due to social distancing in the aircraft, according to International Air Transport Association (Iata).The global aviation body of around 200 airlines projected that the airfares in Middle East and Africa will increase from an average $181 (Dh664) to $259 (Dh950.5) if social distancing rules are maintained as airlines return to normalcy with the easing of restrictions on domestic and global air travel.. Eliminating the middle seat will raise costs.. If that can be offset that with higher fares, the era of affordable travel will come to an end.. If airlines can't recoup the costs in higher fares, airlines will go bust.. Neither is a good option when the world will need strong connectivity to help kick-start the recovery from Covid-19's economic devastation," said Alexandre de Juniac, director-general and CEO of Iata.. Iata said airfares need to be hiked between 43 to 54 per cent