No Major U.S. Port Has Grown Like Savannah Over Last Two Decades

No Major U.S. Port Has Grown Like Savannah Over Last Two Decades

Supply-chain issues or not, the Port of Savannah is once again registering record trade in 2021. In 2003, the Port of Savannah ranked No. 26 among the nation's airports, seaports and border crossings, with $21. 56 billion in two-way trade recorded that year. Today, it ranks No. 10, a port that has seen growth like no other in the top 20 in that time. The value of the Port of Savannah's trade grew 385. 41% between 2003 and 2020, four times the national average of 90. 12%. Through August of this year, its trade is once again on a record tear, up 15. 77% over the pre-pandemic year of 2019, according to the latest government data. That includes record trade in the month of August, as the graph above shows, even at it found itself entangled in the pandemic-related supply chain snarl, like the West Coast seaports in Los Angeles and Long Beach. The nations bringing the most in imports to the Port of Savannah, by weight, are largely Asian, with ... [+] China's tonnage four times that of No. 2 Vietnam in the month of August. Like those West Coast ports, the Port of Savannah's success story centers around