Self-Driving Cars And Parallels To Minecraft

Self-Driving Cars And Parallels To Minecraft

Minecraft is big business.

This quite revered and now over a decade old video game has reportedly attained more than 126 million monthly active players and has sold well beyond 200 million copies of the gaming software. Besides the game itself, there is plenty of merchandise to be had and lots of spin-offs that have been successfully catapulted off the backs of Minecraft.

What makes this particular game so enduring and endearing?

There are lots of theories that attempt to explain the popularity of this vaunted juggernaut.

One somewhat apparent aspect is that it is an exceedingly easy game to get started with. Unlike some online games that require gobs of hours invested before you can readily get underway and be productive in the game, the beauty of Minecraft could be said to be its simplicity at its core. Most people, young and old, can immediately start actively using the game upon the first login.

Some also say that another strong point is that you can take the game as far as you want to go. In other words, those that want to just meander and take a lackadaisical approach can do so, meanwhile, those that want to push the limits and make this into