Supposing The FBI Secretly Ran A Fleet Of AI Self-Driving Cars To Track And Ultimately Nab Unsuspecting Criminals

Supposing The FBI Secretly Ran A Fleet Of AI Self-Driving Cars To Track And Ultimately Nab Unsuspecting Criminals

You might have seen the recent headlines blaring that the FBI secretly duped hundreds of alleged criminals by providing in the open marketplace one of those seemingly secure communications apps akin to a WhatsApp, Signal, Wickr Me, Viber, or similar encryption messaging platforms. Would-be and actual crooks apparently could not resist the allure of using a form of communication that they apparently thought was completely safeguarded from the authorities and altogether foolproof. Those caught in the sting are likely feeling quite foolish now. An enthralling plot that is certainly worthy of a movie or TV drama about ways that crooks shoot their own foot, as it were. The FBI artfully carried out these sting operations by co-opting the Anom system, a somewhat popular encrypted mobile device and network service that had already become relatively prevalent for criminal activities. According to the FBI, the big bust took place worldwide and netted hundreds upon hundreds of arrests. The claim is that these were criminal participants in narcotics trafficking, organized crime, and a slew of illegal and dastardly activities. Some have heralded this sly ploy of providing a type of honeypot to get potential evildoers on the hook. The voluminous communique of those