There Is Increasingly Mounting AI Technical Debt That Is Going To Inevitably Sink Some Self-Driving Cars

There Is Increasingly Mounting AI Technical Debt That Is Going To Inevitably Sink Some Self-Driving Cars

That's what often happens when people take on debt. Shakespeare famously warned us about the dangers of going into debt, stating that "neither a borrower nor a lender is; for loan doth oft lose both itself and friend." For some people that become swamped by debt, they find themselves sinking into an all-encompassing abysmal abyss. The debt sorely and adversely impacts them, their loved ones, their friends and acquaintances, and otherwise bodes for indubitably rotten tidings. Sometimes, a person is oblivious to their mounting debt. I know that seems nearly impossible to imagine. What can happen is that the person starts making zillions of charges on their credit cards and they meanwhile delude themselves into not realizing there will ultimately be unfavorable consequences. The piper though will eventually need to be paid. Credit card agencies often make life especially easy for those that wantonly are apt to spend. Charge this, charge that, and it all seems like free money. You have a seemingly endless credit limit, so why not keep spending. Little or no thought goes toward how this is going to get paid for. Some people realize what they are doing but are insidiously hooked on spending recklessly. It