World’s 20 best airlines are named by air safety website

World’s 20 best airlines are named by air safety website

Travelers who are on the fence about flying again may want to check out a new list of the world's best airlines. The airline safety website published its list of "Top Airlines in the World," which traditionally ranks carriers by safety, in-flight service, passenger comfort and flight routes. But this year, new judging criteria are shaking up the rankings. For the first time, airlines are being judged in part by how they responded to the Covid-19 global pandemic. "Covid impacted the ratings in two ways," said Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Thomas. "Airlines had to be Covid-compliant to our standards to be considered, and we deleted profitability as a criterion this year." And the winner isâ" ¦ Qatar Airways took the No. 1 spot this year, named "Airline of the Year" by the website. The Doha-based carrier was awarded the top prize due to its cabin innovation, in-flight service and "dedication and commitment to continue to operate throughout the Covid pandemic," according to the site's on July 20. Qatar Airways also introduced industry firsts, said, such as being the first to complete the International Air Transport Association's safety audit and among the first to trial its Covid Safe Travel Pass.