Understanding Volatility in Oil Prices

Understanding Volatility in Oil Prices

We try to give a better understanding of what's driving the oil prices and how the oil industry operates today.. Last week, I sat down with Tracy Shuchart to chat about the current state of the oil and gas market.. Our conversation covers a wide swath of the oil and gas market, from an impending wall of debt facing shale producers, to how the ongoing coronavirus epidemic could impact oil demand and more.. Just before we dive into the oil markets and in energy markets more broadly, I'd just like to talk about you and your background.. You've kind of had an unconventional path to the oil markets and energy markets, can you talk about that.. That kind of happened with me, when it came to getting into stocks, found The Motley Fool, and 's where I am today.. There's obviously the commercials that are playing the market that are generally hedging themselves, there's the fund managers that have a position in the oil market.. There's all kinds of things that happen on a daily basis that are moving this market around.. We just have to go through all of those questions and all of those things and wait for