Would History Repeat Itself and Markets Recover After this Financial Crisis?

Would History Repeat Itself and Markets Recover After this Financial Crisis?

The crash is the reverse of previous crashes, in that it started in the real world and spread to financial systems.. We are in the middle of one of the most savage stock market crashes in history.. As a financial journalist, stock market crashes are the events you live for.. Plunging stockbrokers and soup queues are probably most people's immediate reaction to news of a market crash.. It was a good time to be a financial journalist in London.. Stock markets recovered, buoyed up by soaring prices in real estate around the world.. But somewhere - London or New York probably - a smart financier had an idea that was to eventually dent the Dubai. Towards the end of 2009, the strains that had been building up in Dubai could no longer be confined, and Dubai World - the builder of the glamorous Palm and lots of other Dubai icons - announced it could no longer pay back its debts and was seeking a "standstill" on repayments.. There has been a period of soaring prices in world markets ever since the 2009 crash..